42Crunch Webinar – Why API Security Cannot Wait Until Production


EMA Associates’ recent survey of technology and business leaders in North America revealed that 32% of firms admitted to only implementing API security standards in their production environment. What does this say about the state of API Security globally? Simply put, the opportunity to miss a step or control once your API is deployed into production is part of nearly all security failures and will certainly be so regarding API security. Join industry experts from EMA Associates and 42Crunch as they explore why businesses cannot let API Security be an afterthought.

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t let perception mask reality. Despite the fact that a large percentage of organizations believe they understand the importance of API Security, many are not implementing sufficient to protect their APIs.
  • Why improved collaboration across your enterprise’s Dev, Sec and Ops teams is critical to achieving a robust API security posture.
  • Why integrations are key. Learn how 42Crunch can maximize your existing API Management gateways to improve your overall security solution.


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