Webinar: How to Extend Protection of your Data from API to Mobile Application


APIs are mobile app developer’s best friends as they help reduce development time and save costs. But the rapid deployment of mobile apps and the explosion in the development of new APIs present very real threats for most organizations.

To defend your APIs, it is important to have a comprehensive approach to API security from design through to production.

This webinar presents the new integration of 42Crunch with comprehensive mobile app protection from Approov.

The result: A joint solution that delivers shift-left API protection as well as run-time shielding that extends all the way to your mobile apps and the environments they run in.

In this webinar, we will present

  • The threat to APIs posed by mobile apps.
  • How Approov shields mobile apps from cloning and modification and defends against manipulation of the client environment.
  • How these checks can be seamlessly integrated into the 42Crunch API security platform to provide visibility and protection all the way to the API backend using a “security as code” approach.
  • The benefits of the unified API protection offered by the joint 42Crunch / Approov solution.
  • A demonstration of the integrated solution in action.



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