Webinar – Top Things You Need to Know About API Security


The flipside of the exponential adoption of APIs over the past decade has been the upsurge in the sheer volume of API attacks. Stories of API security breaches are everywhere which shines a harsh spotlight on the ease of API abuse and the complexities of robust API security. Join this webinar as two of the industry’s leading experts guide you through some real-world cases of API security attacks and also share some best practices for securing your APIs.

They dive into crucial vulnerabilities highlighted in the OWASP API Security Top 10, such as enforcing authorization, protecting authentication endpoints and preventing SSRF, a new entry in the 2023 version of the OWASP Top10 for APIs. They also bring the threats to life with several demos, providing a practical look at how these vulnerabilities can be exploited, but also how they can be prevented through a combination of design-time and run-time protection.

At the end of this session, you will have an actionable set of guidelines to assess and improve the security of your own APIs in the face of a number of identified threats.


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