API Security Tools

42Crunch OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor Tools in Your IDE.

The extensions add rich support for the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) (formerly known as Swagger) in JSON or YAML format. You can also extend the functionality of the OpenAPI Editor by adding the OpenAPI Audit & Linter tool within the extension. In addition, the API Scan tool is now available (in Beta) as an add-on to the editor.

VS Code IntelliJ Eclipse
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42Crunch Freemium API Security Testing Tools

The 42Crunch API Audit checks the OpenAPI format, data validation and most importantly, security of the OpenAPI definition file (OpenAPI contract). It runs over 300 checks to give an immediate score and vulnerability assessment. API Scan dynamically tests the API for security weaknesses and conformance against the API Design. Both of these tools are available in IDEs as part of the free 42Crunch OpenAPI editor (mentioned above) or via GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps CICDs.

Free API Security testing tools (registration required and monthly usage restrictions apply).