Webinar: Automate API Protection with “Security as Code”


Traditionally developers like to focus on the data and functionality of their APIs while the security team is concerned with the enforcement of API security controls and policies. This siloed approach has led to inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the DevSecOps’ cycle that are delaying the release of APIs and creating cost over runs.

In this webinar we look at how organizations can overcome this challenge by adopting a “security as code” approach to automate their API protection. Join Colin Domoney as he demonstrates how DevSecOps teams now automate and scale the protection of your APIs by generating “security as code” into a CI/CD pipeline.

What you will learn:

  • How to automate the injection security policies into your CI/CD pipeline – including Jenkins and Azure DevOps.
  • How to use an OpenAPI Specification file to determine both the data contracts and the security controls within a single API.
  • How to accelerate the rollout of secure APIs by bridging the gap between development and security teams.


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