Webinar โ€“ Addressing the OWASP API Authentication and Authorization Challenges


Join Dr. Philippe De Ryck, Web Security Expert with Pragmatic Web Security and Colin Domoney of 42Crunch and APISecurity.io on Feb 17th at 4pm GMT in part 2 of a three part webinar series on the OWASP API Security Top 10 challenges.

In this upcoming webinar they will take a deep dive into understanding and addressing the OWASP API Security Top 10 Authentication and Authoirization issues. Through detailed practical examples and use cases, they guide developers and security professionals through how to fix and secure their APIs in the face of these identified threats.

Registering for the webinar will also give you access to the recording of the first webinar which looks at the API landscape today, why API Security merits itโ€™s own OWASP top 10 listing and guidance on how developers, security teams and companies can improve their approach to API security.

Register for the webinar


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